The Tonal
By itself Serpent’s tongue is unfortunately often ineffective, usually lacking much impact on reality when attempted on any grand scale. Small effects are possible but large, dramatic or world-shaping effects are ineffective with a single Magi casting Serpent’s Tongue, which is the language of the highest realms; Humans do not have the physical or energetic capacity to speak it with its full power.
One force that limits the ability of a Magi to change reality is something called the Tonal. The Tonal heavily influences and can even be described as the structure of reality. It is comprised, amongst other things, from the sum collective belief structures of mankind. It creates a tremendous inertia to reality which therefore resists change. (Poetically it is sometimes called the Collective Dream of the Planet.) Bear in mind the planet itself, the animals, everything in reality contributes somewhat to the current pattern of the Tonal. When things do not fit the pattern of the Tonal, it is hard for them to exist, or to exist for very long. The Tonal applies constant pressure upon our perception centers to see the world as we currently see it. The Tonal is not completely static however, it is shifting. The Tonal of 2000 years ago is different than the Tonal today, although still based upon the same essential patterns, creating a common Human experience from then to now.
Many believe the Tonal to be less a universal force and more of a human one. The sum weight of billions of humans’ collective unconscious assuming a mutually shared reality. In other words – the Tonal is the belief structure of all of the mundane humans that expect gravity to work, for the planets to revolve and for penicillin to kill bacteria. The unshakeable belief that you cannot shapeshift, conjure tornadoes, melt steel with your bare hands, or catalog another’s thoughts. All the fun things a Magi might want to use serpent’s tongue for. The Tonal presses upon a Magi with inexorable & relentless force every moment of his life restricting his perspective and his use of true Magick.
Another reason is the way our planet was designed with 2/3 of its surface covered in Salt Water. Salt water in metaphysical circles is known as a void. It voids energetic change and keeps things static. Some believe the earth was designed this way to make it more resilient to those seeking to drastically alter it and to protect it from inter-dimensional interference.