Writers Block
It features much more than writing prompts, it allows you to create game rooms and challenge a partner to complete prompts. Use one from our database, or create one of your own. Offer a brief description, set some rules, and then its time to write! But there’s a catch…
You’re blocked from reading your partner’s submission until BOTH writers have finished their piece.
Hence, Writers Block.
But after that, its their turn to choose the prompt!

Enter a prompt or choose one of your own.

Opt-in to share your writing prompts with the other users of Writers Block.

After that it’s time to open Google Docs, or Deviant Art, or your Blog, wherever you do your writing to share it with the world. Once you’ve finished it, click SUBMIT LINK and paste in the URL, your nameplate will light up letting your partner know its ready!
Here we can see one player’s piece is done, but nothing will happen when player 2 clicks on it until they too submit a link.
After that, the arrow on the top right corner will light up letting both players know they can move to the next page, and thus, a new prompt.
If you click the “suggest prompt” button, you’ll be able to preview the one that was randomly selected. Cancel, Accept, or get a different one before moving on.
In the future, we’ll be adding a chat room for each game room, which will have threads for every page of your book. That way, users can give each other feedback from right within Writers Block.
From there, we’ll add the ability to make larger rooms with whole groups of friends, and, in a perfect world, one big public room you can opt into with all our users, a new prompt every month and you can’t read anyone’s piece until you’ve written one yourself.
Further, we’d like for you to be able to write directly into Writers Block, but we’re a ways out from that.